It is really satisfying when the whole aircraft starts coming together. I recommend a project like this to anyone. Imagine it and then do it. The design work gives you a great mental workout... problem solving, drafting, then the construction, when you can see it all coming together, it gives you an immense sense of achievement.
Anyone who would mock those who tackle projects like RC construction, whether it be land, sea or aircraft are ignorant of the benefits these activities bring to their builders and those who appreciate the results. Enough, Call me a Nerd, Geek, even a child, I don't care, I look forward to every day I spend in the workshop.
The Twin Comanche is now very near complete... just some detailing and fittings to add.
I discovered that I was a little rusty with my flying skills so I've also built some training aircraft. Firstly I scratch built an Aeroflite Gemini and then I have designed and built the aluminium Rhino. This aircraft is exceptional and an ideal advanced trainer for those who want to fly sports and scale aircraft. The full story is available at www,
This site is dedicated to all things Twin Comanche. We welcome your input. If you would like to contribute anything (articles, photos, for sales etc.) please CONTACT US. The sight now incorporates a community-builder and forums. We look forward to your participation.
The site came about because I decided to scratch build a radio control Twin Comanche, however, when I began researching I found that there is not a lot of material available. So, I am hoping to establish a site where people requiring information or drawings relating to the Twin Comanche will be able to find it here.
At this stage, I am not prepared to publish the plans as they are an ongoing project. As I build I am posting a photo/word essay on each stage and when I'm satisfied with the plans I will make them available through the site.
'The sexiest light twin ever built'
Gemini Advanced Trainer _________
Before I finish the Twin Comanche I need to hone my flying skills. Scratch built and electrified this Aeroflyte Gemini. Story at Gemini Trainer.
I've nearly completed construction of my near scale (a few minor allowances for RC) Twin Comanche. I will complete the build before I release the plans, I want to make sure that it all comes together. Follow the build on this site with a complete photo/text diary of the project as it happens
Links - Build Pages to date:
You can also follow the build on twitter
Coming soon on this site - downloadable Plans on PDF files